41/1144, Sankarapuram, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh 516002 Email: pitchireddyorg@yahoo.co.in    Phone: +91-9705684780

About Us

“Sri K.Pitchi Reddy Educational and Welfare Society” (SPREAWS) was founded in 1994 by a group of men and women with social consciousness.  It was registered as a voluntary social service organization under Andhra Pradesh Government (A State Government in Indian Republic) Societies Registration Act of XXI of 1860 on 20.10.1994 bearing Regn.No. 544/1994. It is also registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Central Government of India, to receive foreign donations directly from International donors/agencies. FCRA No. 010160408, Dated 20.12.2006.

SPREAWS implemented various developmental activities for the poverty alleviation among poor communities, provided formal and non-formal education to the illiterates, provided Skill Trainings like Tailoring training, computer training to the women and adolescent boys, and girls;  SPREAWS constructed more than 450 drinking water borewells in the remote water scarcity villages, implemented hygiene awareness programmes, helped the people with disabilities, implemented the Malaria prevention programmes, implemented  Conservation of Environment and Natural Resources,  implemented  child welfare programmes, implemented Covid-19 Relief Programmes. Thus our  organization got experience in impelementing various projects..


To help the marginalized communities to enable to get their basic human needs such as adequate food, clean water, good health, proper shelter, proper education, proper clothing and to live with Peace and Dignity.

Objectives :

(1)  To Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger among the marginalized communities by implementing various economic development activities  so that they can support themselves as well as their families,

(2)  To establish and run Educational Institutions like Primary schools, High Schools, colleges, Technical Institutions, coaching centers, professional courses like Medical technician courses, Lab, Sanitation, Multi Purpose Health Workers Training, Adult Educational, child care centres, crèches,  and all other useful training and professional course in order to improve the education among the poor.

(3)  To strive for elimination of  gender disparity in the society, and implement women and girls empowerment programmes

(4)   To strive for  reducing   the mortality rate among children under age of five years,

(5)  To educate the women of all communities, about her self’s health care, child health care, family health care and neighbours health care system on the basis of preventive and curative measures, and thus to reduce  the maternal mortality rate

(6)  To increase knowledge among people regarding the preventive methods of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases and thus make efforts to combat the spread of various diseases.

(7) To provide Clean Drinking water to the needy people,

(8)   To impart environmental education to the communities and enhance their capacities in the effective sustainable management of common property resources.

(9)  To raise and receive donations from members and local people in our Country and Donors of Foreign Countries  in view to run the programmes for the benefits of the people in the areas, To make efforts for  Developing  a Global partnership for Development.